GO Index for 1991

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Goms-148/91. Dt, 24-04-1991hot! 11/07/2013 Hits: 602
Tourism - Tourism declared as an "Industry" - Committee Constituted to decide eligibility quantum of concessions etc. payable under the scheme reconstituted
Western ghats development programme - Withdrawal of powers and functions delegated to the District councils
Cir. 22/91. Dated 16-11-1991hot! 10/29/2013 Hits: 629

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Advance - Motor Conveyance Advance for the purchase of Motor Car/Scooter 1991-92 - Entertaining of fresh applications
Advance - House construction advance to Government Employees additional loan from recognised financial institutions - Creation of second mortgage - Recommendations of the V Pay Commission - Implementation of
Advance - House Building Advance to Government Servants - Requirement of funds for 1991-92 - Instructions
Family Benefit Scheme - Part-time contingent Employees period of option extension
Cir. 51/91/fin. Dt.19-08.1991hot! 10/18/2013 Hits: 592
General Provident Fund - Obliterating the arrears of Provident Fund Accounts in the Accountant Generals Office - Crash Programme "Operation" Profound
Use of private vehicles for official journey on tour from the residence/office to airport/Railway Station/Bus Station and back- Reimbursement of Autorickshaw/Taxi charges
Public sector undertakings/Boards/ corpn./Co-operative Institutions etc. payment of exgratia and such other irregular payments to employees who are not eligible for bonus
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