GO Index for 1986

DocumentsDate added

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Gort_19_86hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 525
Forests - Review of selection felling coupes in the forest division order issued.
Gort_26_86hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 541

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Letter_5071_86hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 523
Estimate for Bamboo planting - regarding
LetterVE4_7171_86hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 506
Planting works - Application of Manure
Conservators Conferencehot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 539
Record of Discussion held in the conference room of the Chief Conservator of Forests on 22nd and 23rd of September 1986.  The following Officers attended the above meeting.
letter_2667_86hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 502
Cost of planting – preparation of estimate inspection of areas by the Vigilance Wing – Regarding.
Letter_3162_86hot! 07/05/2014 Hits: 548
Ist Silvicultural thinning in 1967 Softwood Plantation (Teak & Elavu) Perumthumba in Peechi Range.Ist Silvicultural thinning in 1967 Softwood Plantation (Teak & Elavu) Perumthumba in Peechi Range.
letter No._28866_86hot! 07/05/2014 Hits: 583
Plantations - Extent of plantations to be finally felled in a year in a Division - Removal of celling - reg.
Forests Environment and Wild Life Department – Procedure regarding Advertisements – Inviting tenders and Auctions for removal of timber or tree growth – Publication in Newspapers and Gazette
VE.4_2667_86hot! 07/07/2014 Hits: 541
Executing and expenditure in Departmental works - regarding
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