GO Index for 1987

DocumentsDate added

Order by : Name | Date | Hits [ Descendent ]
Forest Department – Repair of Departmental vehicles – Repairs to Jeep KLV.2566 attached to the office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Vazhachal sanctioned – Action of the Divisional Forest Officer Vazhachal ratified
Ways and Means position of the State Government – Measures to overcome the existing financial difficulties – Further measures ordered
Special Economy measures – Creation of Additional Posts – Procedure to be followed – Further Instructions
Medical Reimbursement Claims – Claim for reimbursement of cost of spectacles
procedure – Clarification issued
Loss of Revenue due to Short realisation of penalty for belated non-submission of monthly statements by Forest Contractors
Forwarding of statement of facts for approval/onward transmission to Government
Forwarding of statement of facts for approval/onward transmission to Government
Social Forestry Programme under NREP/RLEGP Financial transations - Guidelines-
Gort_262_87hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 596
Distribution of work among Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Conservator of Forests – Orders issued
Gort_334hot! 06/25/2014 Hits: 585
Forest Department – Cross – outing of teak poles for fence waking rate prescribed – Orders issued.
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