GO Index for 1990

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സര്‍ക്കാരാഫീസുകളില്‍ അനധികൃതവ്യാപാരം തടയുന്നതു സംബന്ധിച്ച് നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങള്‍

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CIRCULAR No. 8/90hot! 07/24/2012 Hits: 711
Arrears of  Revenue Pending collation as on 31.3.1989 -  Expeditious
realization of the arrears - Instructions issued
Guarantee by the State Government on behalf of Public sector
Undertaking/State Sponsored Bodies - Clarification
Guarantee by the State Government on behalf of Public sector
Undertaking/State Sponsored Bodies - Clarification
Guarantee by the State Government in favour of HUDGO, HDFC, UTI,
NCDC on behalf of State Sponsored bodies - Ceiling in interest rates
fixed- Guidelines for providing guarantees in fresh cases
CIRCULAR NO.16/90hot! 07/24/2012 Hits: 645
Inspections in the field-measures to make the inspections more effective-
Non-maintenance of case files properly by the Government law officers Instructions
8480 /2/ SCST Dev. Dept.hot! 07/24/2012 Hits: 715
SC / ST Certificate -

Illegal sales in Government offices


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