GO Index for 1968

DocumentsDate added

Order by : Name | Date | Hits [ Ascendant ]
G.O.Rt.1508_68hot! 08/01/2014 Hits: 540
Verification of completion Reports in Central Audit – proposals regarding the fixation of monetary limit for the purpose of writing up and transmission of completion reports – orders issued.
Letter No.77907_68hot! 07/25/2014 Hits: 544
1967 Teak Plantation in Ayyappancoil evicted area coupe III A and B special replacement of causalities.
letter No.42616_68hot! 07/18/2014 Hits: 529
Forests – Mahogany and Papitta seedlings – schedule rate fixed.
G.O.MA.198-68hot! 07/17/2014 Hits: 559
Silvicultural works – definition of timber works – orders issued regarding collection of firewood.
order P4-35115_68hot! 07/16/2014 Hits: 534
Teak seeds availability and request during 1968
G.O.RT.No_2819hot! 07/07/2014 Hits: 531
Forests – working down timber from Muthalamkappu Coupe IV – Palappilly Range Trichur Division – regularization of excess expenditure – sanctioned.
G.O.Rt.No.2819hot! 07/07/2014 Hits: 539
Forests - working down timber from Muthalamkappu Coupe IV - Palappilly Range Trichur Division - regularization of excess expenditure - sanctioned.
Forests – Sale notifications in gazette during the period of strike in the Government Press – Publication regarding dispensed with
G.O.(P) 1 dated 5-4-68hot! 05/19/2014 Hits: 687
Policy and procedure regarding the issue of Government advertisements
Advertisement tariff rate – Schedule for 1968-69.
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