GO Index for 1978

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gort-435-78hot! 02/25/2015 Hits: 650
Problems relating to cardamom in Idukki District - Sri. S. Anathakrishnan, 1st member to undertake a detailed studying of the problems - ordered.
gop-503-78hot! 02/25/2015 Hits: 1045
Office procedure - A manual of Office procedure for use in offices other than the Secretariat - amendment issued.
gop-381-78hot! 02/24/2015 Hits: 708
Linguistic Minorities - Safeguards - Recruitment to public services-language test in Malayalam - syilabus-simplification of - orders issued
goms-324-78hot! 02/23/2015 Hits: 703
Public Service - Departmental Tests - Ministerial staff of the Forest Department - Forest Test as an obligatory qualification for promotion of Lower Division Clerks as Upper Division Clerks Prescribed Orders issued.
Go-211-78. Dated 09-05-1978hot! 02/21/2015 Hits: 625
1969 se tIcf HutZymKnI`mjm BIvävþ1_n hIp¸vþ\memw ¢mÊv Poh\¡mcpsS \nba\hpw aäpw þ D¯chpIÄ aebmf¯n ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
Cir - 60/78. Dated 04-08-1978hot! 02/18/2015 Hits: 642
Appropriation audit and control over expenditure - Civil Audit Report - Information furnishing of 
goms-102-78hot! 01/28/2015 Hits: 631
Forest land - Trichur Division - leasing of 3.62 bectaure of forest land in Patticad South Beat, Peechi Range, Paravattanimala Reserve to the Public Health Engineering Department for the Trichur water supply Augumentation Scheme - sanctioned.
goms- 153-78hot! 01/27/2015 Hits: 621
Conversion of Cardamom lands in the Cardamom Hill Reserve into other Plantations - Decision against Conversion - orders.
goms-19-78hot! 01/23/2015 Hits: 657
Forest lands in Hydel Division on lease to Kerala State Electricity Board - Sub - leasing of plots by the Bord for Cinema Theatre - Division of lease rent orders issued
gort-1545-78hot! 01/21/2015 Hits: 588
Forest Department - Assistant Conservator's transfer and Posting - order issued
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