GO Index for 1981

DocumentsDate added

Order by : Name | Date | Hits [ Ascendant ]
Letter_44369_81hot! 06/21/2014 Hits: 525
Trials on cover crop - 'Mueuna Eraetesta' suggestion regarding.
Letter_40772_81hot! 06/21/2014 Hits: 534
Instruction of Mesopsis Omini an exotic tree species
Circle_25_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 561
Charging of Expenditure on works of slash felling heaping during and reburying etc.,
Gort_34316_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 552
Ban on clear-felling in Evergreen Forests, semi evergreen forests and Game sanctuary areas instruction issued.
Gort_20783_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 519
Standardisation of polypot sixes used for Rasising various species.
Gort_16828_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 517
Extraction of timber - lead for Elephant dragging Reducing to Maximum extra possible - reg.
Gort_2437_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 588
Intimation of commencement of contact and deptl. Works
Gort_62_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 528
Rural Employment Programme Revised guidlines issued by Governemt of India - Payment of cash to the Value of food - grains - payment of wages to skilled workers and Material and wage component ratio - Instructions issued.
Circular 1_81hot! 06/20/2014 Hits: 549
No. VE3-342/81, Office of the Chief Conservator of Forest, Vigilance
Note on Standardisation of polypot size used for raisin various speciesin Gujarat states
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