GO Index for 1999

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Public Service - Departmental Promotion Committee Banning of temporary promotion under the Rule 31(A)(i) of Kerala State and subordinate Services Rules - Further instructions
Gop. 1992/1999. Dt. 11-10-1999hot! 11/12/2013 Hits: 1570
Loans and Advances - Scheme for payment of Advance to class IV Employees for meeting marriage expenses of their female children-sanctioning Authority - Delegation of powers to Heads of Department
Minutes of the Second PFM Sub Committeemeeting was held at the Chamber of the PCCF (G)
Gop.1863/99. Dt.20-09-1999hot! 11/07/2013 Hits: 647
Kerala Service Rules - Rule 60 (c) Part I Kerala Service Rules Cancellation
The Minutes of the sixth meeting of the PFM Sub-committee as held in the Chamber of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (G)
Goms-66/1999. Dt, -07-1999hot! 11/05/2013 Hits: 825
Forest & Wild Life Department - Kerala Forestry Project - The Kerala Forest Revolving Fund for Teak and pulp wood Rules 1999
Goms- 99-99. Dt, 28-12-1999hot! 10/31/2013 Hits: 685

h\w þ h\y-Pohn hIp¸v þ BZn-hmkn t£aw kw_-Ôn¨v 29-þ06-þ99 _lp. h\w hIp-¸p-a-{´n-bpsS A²y-£-X-bn tNÀ¶ tbmK-¯nsâ Xocp-am-\-§Ä \S-¸m-¡p-¶Xv þ BZn-hmkn t£a skÃp-IÄ cq]o-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xn\v A\p-aXn

Cir. 07/99. Dated 24-06-1999hot! 10/31/2013 Hits: 749

h\w hIp¸v þ ht\mev]m[n-jvTnX hyh-km-b-§Ä¡v ssek³kv ]pXp-¡p-¶-Xn\v \ncm-t£] ]{Xw \ÂIp-¶Xv þ Ime-hn-fw-_cw Hgn-hm-¡p-¶Xv kw_-Ôn¨v

h\-¯n-\p-Ån  Xma-kn-¡p¶ ]«n-I-PmXn ]«n-I-hÀ¤¡mÀ t\cn-Sp¶ hnhn[ {]iv\-§Ä¡v kXzc ]cn-lmcw Is­-¯p-¶-Xnsâ Bh-iy-IX þ \nÀt±-i-§Ä \ÂIp-¶-Xn-s\-¡p-dn¨v
Motor Conveyance advance - Advance for the purchase of scooter/Motor Cycle to Physically Handicapped Government Servants - Eligibility condition modified
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