GO Index for 1998

DocumentsDate added

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Cir - 6/98. Dated 30-03-1998hot! 04/01/2014 Hits: 784
F³.BÀ.F^v `qanbnepÅ ac§Ä, Imä¯v hoW ac§Ä F¶nhbn \n¶pw Un¸mÀ«vsaâmbn XSn tiJcn¡pwt]mÄ tiJcn¨ XSnbpsS Afhn\v B\p]mXnIaÃmsX knhn tPmenIÄ sN¿p¶Xv þ {]tXyI C\§fpsS ASnØm\¯n X¿mdm¡p¶ AS¦en\p ]Icw ASnØm\ \nc¡v kw{]Zmbw \S¸nem¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
Go - 45659/98. Dated. hot! 03/26/2014 Hits: 622
Cd¡paXn sNbvX XSn Xangv\m«n \n¶pw tIcf¯ntebv¡v IS¯p¶Xv þ ]mÊn \n¶pw Hgnhm¡Wsa¶ At]£ þ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
Forest and Wildlife Department - Diversion of 22.4Ha of Forest in Thrissur District for laying 220 K.W.D.C. Transmission  line Thrissur to Kozhikode - Clearance to tree growth - Sanction accorded
Forest Department - Making forest land available to M/s Hindustan News Print Ltd. for captive Plantation 
Go - 115/98. Dated 10.03.1998hot! 03/22/2014 Hits: 618
h\w hIp¸v þ sNdpInS h\ hn`h tiJcW¯n GÀs¸«n«pÅ KncnP\ kwL§sfbpw ]«nIPmXn/]«nIhÀ¤ hnIk\ klIcW s^Utdjt\bpw ]m«¯pI ASbv¡p¶Xn \n¶v Hgnhm¡ns¡m­WvSpw D¯chv t`ZKXn D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
Construction of tarred roads in Forests areas of Kerala without obtaining environmental clearance from Ministry of Environment and Forests
Forest and Wildlife Department - Sale of an elephant - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Cir - 9/98. Dated 29-4-98hot! 03/15/2014 Hits: 708

F³.BÀ.F^v `qanbnse ac§Ä, Imdä¯p hoW ac§Ä, tXm«¯n \n¶pw tiJcn¡p¶ ac§Ä F¶nhbpsS  hnev]\ kw_ÔnNv    

Forests and Wildlife Department - Sale of an elephant - Sanctioned 
In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (i) of section 3 of the Kerala Forest Produce (Fixation of Selling Price) Act, 1978
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