GO Index for 1992

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Go - 81/92. Dated 27.02.1992hot! 03/17/2014 Hits: 590

h\w hIp¸v þ hmg¨m Unhnj\nÂs¸« BXnc¸Ån sdbn©nse 1981 tX¡ptXm«¯n \n¶pw CSapdn \S¯n¡n«p¶ IgIÄ tXm«¯n h¨pXs¶ teew sN¿m³ A\phmZw \ÂIns¡m­WvSv kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.

Forest Department - Auction and Re-auction of timber at Mudical Depot - Loss sustained by Government - Written off
Forest Department - Auction and Re-auction of timber at Mudical Depot - Loss sustained by Government - Written off
Cir - 17/92. Dated 15-06-1992hot! 03/15/2014 Hits: 569

tIm«bw Unhnj³ þ Imä¯phoW ac§Ä tiJcn¡p¶Xn\v tIm«bw UnhnjW t^mdÌm^okÀ £Wn¨ sS³UÀ s]mXp\nÀt±iw kw_Ôn¨v

Gop. 101/1992. Dt. 07-08-1992hot! 11/13/2013 Hits: 581
Manual of Disciplinary Proceedings - Amendments - Orders
Gop. 838/1992. Dt. 04-11-1992hot! 11/07/2013 Hits: 775
Rules - Kerala Service Rules - Exception below Rule 93 Part I - Enhancement of Monetary limit - Amendment
Gop. 52/1992. Dt. 08-01-1992hot! 11/07/2013 Hits: 591
Rules - Kerala Service Rules - Monetory limits fixed in Rule 90A
Gop. 44/1992. Dt. 11-11-1992hot! 10/31/2013 Hits: 685

h\w hIp¸v þ ht\m-ev]-¶-§-fp-]-tbm-Kn-¨pÅ hyh-km-b-§-fpsS ta  \nb-{´-W-§Ä  þ D¯-chp ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¡p-¶p.

Kerala State Insurance Department - Establishment - Additional Policy to be taken according to the change in pay range of the subscriber - Instructions
Cir.1/92/Fin. Dated 02-01-1992hot! 10/22/2013 Hits: 1457
General Provident Fund (Kerala) Expeditious settlement of closure cases - Regarding
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