GO Index for 1973

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No.ML.18558/73.Dt /16-11-1973hot! 05/31/2013 Hits: 600
Instructions regarding sale of thondy timber and Firewood
Mahazar Loss and Thondi value – Assessment of – procedure – orders issued
Taking up work not provided in the plan of operation- instructions - regarding
Economy in the use of paper
Rosewood logs – Transport to depots – Instructions
Forest protection – Instructions regarding marking of trees and maintaining records
Extraction and disposal of rosewood – Procedure
Public Accounts Committee 1972-73 – XIIth Report para 2.55 2 cases of writes off
Copies of estimates sanctioned by the Divisional Forest Officers are not hitherto submitted to this office for reference.
Forest – suction sale of timber difference between the sale proceeds and seigniorage plus working charges – recovery of loss waived
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