GO Index for 1990

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Go - 297/90. Dated 10-07-1990hot! 03/27/2014 Hits: 716
h\w hIp¸v þ Nqc tiJcWw hnhn[ td©pIfn e`yamb Nqc tiJcn¡p¶Xn\v tIcf ]«nIPmXn ]«nIhÀ¤ hnIk\ s^Utdjs\  NpaXes¸Sp¯ns¡m­WvSpÅ D¯chv
Forest Department - Dr.Ambedkar Birth centenary year - Concessions to the Tribal Co-operative Societies - Engaged in the collection of M.F.P. exemption from payment for the 1990-91 lease year - further order issued
Cir - 2/90. Dated 24-08-1990hot! 03/31/2014 Hits: 626
DW§nbXpw Imä¯p hoWXpamb ac§Ä tiJcn¨v hn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section – (1) of section 3 of the Kerala Forest Produce (Fixation of Selling Price) Act 1978
OA-79/79 of Forest Tribunal, Manjeri - MFA-178/81 0f High Court- Observation of Court
Letter no.26569_90hot! 08/04/2014 Hits: 623
Disposal of confiscated vehicles under section 61 A – reg.
t^mdkv{Sn tPmen-IÄ þ ]pXnb \S-]-Sn-{Iaw þ I¬ho-\À k{¼-Zmbw Bhn-jv¡-cn-¨p-sIm-­WvSv D¯-chv ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¨Xv
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