Details for Circular No. 27/1960 of C2-22485/60 dated C2/22-7-1960Circular No. 27/1960 of C2-22485/60 dated C2/2
NameCircular No. 27/1960 of C2-22485/60 dated C2/22-7-1960Circular No. 27/1960 of C2-22485/60 dated C2/2
DescriptionAccording to the present practice the slash falling has to be done by the sale coupe
contractors and burning is to be done by the Taungyadar According to the present practice the slash falling has to be done by the sale coupe
contractors and burning is to be done by the Taungyadar
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Created On: 09/06/2012 20:23
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Hits600 Hits
Last updated on 09/06/2012 20:26
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