Details for No.FE3-26322/66/Agri. Dt. 16-06-1966
NameNo.FE3-26322/66/Agri. Dt. 16-06-1966

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 26 of the Kerala Forest  Act, 1961 (Act 4 of  1962) the Government  of  Kerala hereby direct that an area of 9 acres 52 ½ cents forming part of Vetticad Hills Reserve Forest of Wadakkanchery Range of Trichur Forest Division and redemarcated as Sy. Nos.1535/1 & 2, 1536/3 & 4, 1537/1 & 2 and 1538/3 of No.41 Wadakkanchery Village and more particularly described in the schedule appended below shall cease to be reserved from 28-6-1966.

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Last updated on 06/04/2013 13:39
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