
DocumentsDate added

Order by : Name | Date | Hits [ Descendent ]
H&FWD - Medical Reimbursement and Interest Free Medical Advance - Austerity Measures - Further Instructions - Reg
Treasury Payment Regulations - Withdrawals from TSB/TP/PD accounts of Autonomous Institutions/Bodies - Instructions issued
No. 17-08-Fin Dated 05-05-2008hot! 12/03/2010 Hits: 1797
Pension - Furnishing details of Officers who are due to retire from service - Instruction issued
No. 09- 2010 Dated 02-07-2010hot! 12/04/2010 Hits: 2050
Collection of VAT at varying rates for firewood and billets - Unification of rates - Instructions issued - reg.
Banning elephants from Zoo collections
No. 04/2008 Dated 08-05-2008hot! 12/04/2010 Hits: 1757
Procurement of Computers and Accessories, Laptops, Computer Software, Uninterrupted Power Supply Systems, Photocopiers, Global Positioning Systems and other Electronic Equipments - Streamlining - reg:
ഡെലിഗേഷന്‍ ഓഫ് പവേഴ്സിനു വിരുദ്ദമായി അടങ്കല്‍ അനുവദിക്കുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്
AIS - Deputation of AIS Officers for participating in various Training Programmes/Seminars/Workshops - Instruction issued
Application for Leave Travel Concession , Earned Leave and allied matters - submission through proper channel - Instructions - Issued
Confiscated/Seized Vehicles lying idle in Police Stations, Excise Offices, Regional Transport Offices, Court Complexes etc - Disposing of - Interim Directions of the Hon'ble Court in MACA 1458/2008 - Instructions issued - Reg
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