Transfer & Posting 2013
Ratio promotion of Confidential Assistant - Order No: E2 - 8198/2012 Dated: 24.12.2013
Ratio promotion of Typist - Order No E2 - 600/2010 Dated: 23.12.2013
Promotion and posting of Senior Clerks as Head Accountants - E3 - 5555/10 Dated: 21.12.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officer - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 21.12.2013
Temporary appointment of Deputy Range Forest Officer to the cadre of Range Forest Officer - Order No: D1 - 27438/2010 Dated: 20.12.2013
Promotion and Posting of Senior Clerks as Head Accountant - Order No: E3 - 5555/10 Dated: 20.12.2013
Appointment by transfer as Senior Superintendents - Transfer and posting of Senior Superintendents - Order No: D3-26837/2013 Dated: 13.12.2013
Transfer and posting of Assistant Conservator of Forests - GO (Rt)No. 494/2013 Dated: 30.11.2013
Reassigning the seniority of Shri. K. Baburajan, Deputy Range Forest Officer in the cadre of Section Forest Officers
Transfer and Posting of Senior Superintendents- Order No- D3-26837/2013 Dated 26.11.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1- 1370/2013 Dated: 20.11.2013
Temporary appointment of Deputy Range Forest Officer to the cadre of Range Forest Officer - Order No: D1 - 27438/2010 Dated: 20.11.2013
Transfer and posting of Range Forest Officer- order no. D1 1370/2013 dated 04.11.2013
Promotion of Clerks as Senior Clerks Order No-e3 6704/11 dt 11.10.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officer - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 08.10.2013
Temporary appointment of Deputy Range Forest Officer to the cadre of Range Forest Officer - Order No: D1 - 27438/2010 Dated: 07.10.2013
Promotion and Posting of Senior Clerks as Head Accountant-Order no:E3-5555/10 dated 07.10.2013
Transfer and Posting of Senior Superintendents- Order No. D3-26387/2013 dated 04.10.2013
Regularizing the seniority of Shri.P.Rajeev in the Seniority list of Section Forest Officers
Transfer and posting of Administrative Assistants
Transfer and posting of Senior Superintendent-Order No.D3-26837/2013 Dated:06.09.2013
Transfer and postings of Deputy Range Forest Officers-order No. E4-10201/12 dated 05.09.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 04.09.2013
Promotion and Posting of Shri. P. P Anilkumar, Section Forest Officer as Range Forest Officer
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 29.08.2013
Assinging seniority to Shri.P.Rajeev in the Seniority list of Section Forest Officers
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated : 07.08.2013
Transfer and posting of Range Forest Officers-order no. D1 1370/2013 dated 24.07.2013
Transfer and posting of Junior Superintendents-order no. E3 6000/10 dated 23/07/2013 of SAO
Transfer and Posting of Junior Superintendent - Order No: E3 - 6000/10 Dated: 11.07.2013
Transfer and posting of Range Forest Officers-Order No. D1-1370/2013 dated 04/07/2013
Transfer and Posting of Deputy Ranger Forest Officers-Order No. E4-10201/12 dated 02/07/2013
Posting of Shri. Suneel Pamidi IFS
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers-order No. D1-1370/2013 dated 18.06.2013
Promotion of UDC to Head Accountants and transfer and posting of Head accountants
Posting Range Forest Officer - Order No. D1-1370/2013 dated 11.06.2013 of APCCF(Administration)
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 07.06.2013
Transfer and Posting of Head Accountants - Order No: E3 - 5555/10 Dated: 03.06.2013
Transfer and Posting of Senior Superintendents - Order No: D3 - 10829/2012 Dated: 30.05.2013
Transfer and Posting of Head Accountants - Order No: E3 - 5555/10 Dated: 31.05.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 29.05.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 23.05.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No : D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 20.05.2013
Transfer and Posting of Deputy Range Forest Officers - Order No : E4 - 10201/12 Dated: 18.05.2013
Transfer and Posting of Range Forest Officer - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 26.04.2013
Transfer and posting of Confidential Assistants - S.O.No.20/2013 Dated: 24.04.2013
Transfer and posting of Range Forest Officers - Order No: D1 - 1370/2013 Dated: 23.04.2013
Appointment on deputation to the post of Secretary, National Biodiversity Authority with headquarters at Chennai
Notional Promotion to Assistant Forest Conservators-Granted-Orders issued-G.O. (Rt) No. 160/2012/F&WLD dated 19.04.2013
Last Updated (Friday, 13 June 2014 17:03)