Kerala Forest Seed Centre


KFRI Campus,Peechi- 680 653, Thrissur, Kerala
Phone: 0487 2690345, 26990346 
Fax: 0487 2690391 


The Kerala Forest Seed Centre was established in September 2003 jointly by the Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) and the Kerala Forest Department (KFD) under the World Bank assisted Kerala Forestry Project. It is located in the KFRI main campus at Peechi.

Objectives of the Seed Centre

  • Collect, Process, Store, certify and supply seeds of various tree species required for Kerala Forest Department and other user agencies.
  • Under short-term studies in connection with seed health and storage
  • Develop protocols for major tree species for seed certification
  • Impart training to field staff on seed handling and testing
  • Advice improvements/amelioration measures for existing seed stands.

The KFSC has been funded by department and has been established by KFRI with in it campus at peechi. The Centre is jointly administrated by Research Wing of Kerala Forest Department and a team from KFRI. The salient details of KFSC are given below:


Establishment during 2002-2004 under the World Bank and Kerala Forestry Project
Inaugurated by the Honourable Minister for Forest & Wildlife and Sports on 28th September 2003

Facilities in Kerala Forest Seed Centre (KFSC)

  • Store for temporary storage of seeds received
  • Seed processing room
  • Seed stores (150c /45% RH; 40c /45% RH)


  • Seed germination room (2 Nos.)
  • Microscope Room

STAFF Strength in Kerala Forest Seed Centre

  1. Scientist – in – Charge
  2. Range Officer (on working arrangement)
  3. Forester (on working arrangement)
  4. Field worker
  5. Project Staff/Technical Assistants working in various project at KFSC
How to obtain seeds

Seeds in a ready stock can be purchased from KFSC on all working days between 11 am and 3 pm. Request for purchase of seeds may be sent to the Scientist- in Charge, KFSC. A quotation shall be provided to the purchaser, indicating the total cost for supply and handling charges. On remittance of full payment of the cost by cash or bank draft (payable to the registrar, KFRI, Peechi), the seeds can be sent by parcel/post/courier.

For seeds of species which may not be available in stock, order will have to be placed well in advance, at least the months before the seeding time of the species.

Seed Certification

The seeds supplied will be certified for source, purity, germination percentage and number of seeds per kilogram/ gram.
 Stock of viable seeds as on March 2012 at KERALA FOREST SEED CENTRE, PeechiClick Here