Finance,Budget & Audit




Finance,Budget & Audit for administrative convenience is bifurcated into two major sections, the Planning and Account sections.

Planning Section

The main functions of planning section include preparation of Five Year Plan proposals as well as Annual Plan of Operations for the entire Kerala Forest Department (KFD) and submit the same to the Govt. of Kerala, State Planning Board and to the GOI. Preparation of the Demand of Grants (Budget) for the Plan and Non Plan schemes, Centrally Sponsored Schemes, State Sponsored Schemes and Externally Aided Projects of the Department and allocation of funds for implementation of schemes to various Divisions, Circles and other Wings of the KFD as per the Budget passed are also the duties of the development wing. This wing is representing the KFD in meetings and conference with regard to the plan discussion in the State Planning Board/ Budget discussions and discussions with the Government of India. Submission of monthly progress report of both Plan and Non Plan schemes to the Government, conducting the midterm review of the Five Year Plan and Annual Plan proposals for all wings of the KFD are also the functions of the Development Wing. Submission of the revised budget proposal, if any required based on the trend and pace of expenditure, taking up works which require Administrative Sanction with Government, procurement and distribution of vehicles, telephones/ computers and other assets for the Department, allotting of quarters and do necessary repairs and maintenance of the same and to liaise between the Government and other wings of the Department, Government of India and external funding agencies regarding budget and financial provisions and aid are also the duties of the development wing.

Accounts Section

Accounts section is the State Level Authority in respect of KFD relating to submission of monthly accounts to the Accountant General and C&AG.  It is the responsibility of Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Development) to ensure that the sub offices render monthly accounts in time and if not call for explanations for defaults and delays and the authority to design, develop and maintain internal audit mechanisms/ internal control mechanisms with respect to finance, budget, LoC and expenditure. This wing has to answer audit queries and ensures that audit queries are replied in time by the various wings and offices of the KFD, compile and submit reports relating to Public Accounts Committees, Audit paras of the CAG and submit report to various authorities. It is the duty of the Accounts Section to compile reports for Subject Committees and submit the same for the Subject Committee, exercising control and administration of Kerala Forest Development Tax Fund, move the State Govt. for issuance of Letter of Credit for various Divisions and sub-offices and to communicate the receipt of the LC to various sub offices and submission of proposals for the re-appropriation of allocation,  Supplementary Demand for Grants if any required to the Government and monitor the collection of revenue and report the same to the Government and initiate necessary action for realizing the target in case there is a short-fall. The pace of expenditure will also be monitored by the Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Development) and will take suitable necessary action for achieving the financial and physical targets as approved by the Government.

New Projects and Schemes


New Projects and Schemes

                As explained above, development wing (Planning Section) is responsible for formulating new projects and schemes and present it to State Government, Central Government or other agencies for financial assistance. The following are the new such schemes being implemented by the Department now.

1.             Intensification of Forest Management 2011-12

Intensification of Forest Management (IFM) is a 75% Centrally Sponsored Scheme (Central share 75% and State Share 25%). Grants are received from Government of India on the basis of the annual work programme and funds distributed among the sub offices. During 2011-12 the total Central Share was Rs.249.31 lakhs and the corresponding State Share was Rs. 83.10 lakhs. Thus the total amount available works out to Rs. 332.41 lakhs. Out of this amount Rs. 240.79 lakhs was spent during 2011-12. Item-wise break up of the works are as follows.

·         Fire Protection

·         Training and awareness/ to JFMCs

·         Purchase of vehicles

·         Construction of buildings

·         Construction of Boundary Pillars and Kayyala

 2.             XIII Finance Commission

The grants in aid under the XIII Finance Commission award for the year 2011-12 was Rs.236145 lakhs and achievement is Rs.190452 lakhs. Unspent balance got revalidated for the year 2012-13. Major developmental activities undertaken under this scheme include

·                     Preparation of Working Plan

·                     Maintenance of Forest Boundaries

·                     Protection of sandal

·                     Improving communication facilities

·                     Eradication of ganja

·                     Mitigation of man-animal conflict

·                     Modernisation of offices

·                     Construction of check-dams

·                     Biodiversity Conservation

·                     Fire protection

·                     Infrastructure development

·                     Planting & distribution of seedlings

3.             NABARD-RIDF Work

(i) NABARD-RIDF XII (2006)

Administrative sanction for 11 roads were issued vide GO (Rt) No.1097/06/F&WLD dated 28..11..2006. Out of which 9 were taken up by the department and 2 are non-starter projects. Total expenditure incurred is Rs.777.11 lakhs.

(ii) NABARD-RIDF XV (2009)

Administrative sanction for 7 works were issued vide GO (Rt) No.291/09/F&WLD dated 23..06..2009. The list of works are given below.


Establishment of Suvarnodyanam at Nedumpassery

Rs.150.00 lakhs


Establishment of Kerala Wildlife Tourism Information Centre at Pollachi

Rs.200.00 lakhs


Metalling of Mukkali-Anavai road

Rs.60.00 lakhs


Construction of Hostel Block at Forest School, Arippa

Rs.55.00 lakhs


Construction of a fence and road at Abhayaranyam, Kapprikkad, Malayattoor

Rs.30.00 lakhs


Construction of a bridge across the stream between Mahagony plot in Kalady Range and Vembooram Island

Rs.30.00 lakhs


Construction of an earthen bund at the Elephant Rehabilitation Centre, Kottoor

Rs.75.00 lakhs

Out of which 5 were taken up by the department and 2 are non-starter projects. Total expenditure incurred on 5 projects are Rs.264.91 lakhs

(iii) NABARD-RIDF XVI (2010)

Administrative sanction for construction of boundary wall in 7 divisions were issued vide GO (Rt) No.529/10/F&WLD dated 09..12..2010. Two works are fully completed and other works are  in progress in other places. The total expenditure already incurred is Rs.1188.94 lakhs. Major objectives of this scheme is to protect life and property of the forest dwellers and forest fringe community from damages due to wildlife attack.

(iv) NABARD-RIDF XVII (2011)

Eight detailed projects for construction of model forest stations each costing approximately Rs.125 lakhs has been submitted to NABARD. Government vide GO (Rt) No.538/2011/F&WLD dated 19..12..2011 have sanctioned above project for Rs.1051.12 lakhs and the works are in progress. Even though, Forest Station System was adopted in KFD, in line with Police Stations, no proper station building nor facilities for the stay of staff in forest areas were provided. Hence, this project was implemented to meet these objectives in particular and overall forest protection in general. Another project for establishing solar power fence to mitigate man-animal conflict in Wayanad district for Rs.574 lakhs was also approved by the Government vide GO (Rt) No.149/2012/F&WLD dated 19..03..2012.


Three project proposals were submitted to NABARD during July and August 2012 to consider for financial assistance under RIDF-XVIII. The details of projects are given below.


Improvement of road 4 Nos

19.8 Km

Rs.327.00 lakhs


Developing interpretation Centre at Thekkady


Rs.400.00 lakhs


Construction of Model Forest Stations

5 Nos

Rs.446.23 lakhs


Mitigation of Man-animal Conflict


Rs.1200.00 lakhs




Rs. 2373.23 lakhs 

                Final approval for the same is awaited from the Government.

4.             Achievements made on NMPB & WGDP

1. National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB)

This is a 100% CSS sanctioned by Govt. of India during 2008-09 by providing Grants-in-aid for in-situ and ex-situ conservation of commercial medicinal tree species by cultivation of such species in the forest area and to distribute seedlings of medicinal species to the public over the next five year (2008-2009 to 2012-13). Under this scheme KFD got two projects sanctioned and they are being implemented.

Project I: Under Planting of Medicinal Trees Species in Teak Plantation of Kerala (Project No. GO/KE-01/2008-09).

The project proposes to plant 200 Ha of Teak Plantations with medicinal tree species preferably those which can be harvested along with the final felling of teak at 60th year.  The species planted include Caesalpinia sappan, Saraca asoca, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Gmelina arborea, Coscinum fenestratum, Oroxylum indicum and  Hydnocarpus pentandra. The project commenced on 05.08.2008 and the total amount sanctioned for this scheme is Rs. 126.80 lakhs. The 1st instalment received is Rs.82.77/- lakhs. An amount of Rs.2 lakhs was spent during 2011-12. The project is continuing.

Project II : Cultivation of Important Medicinal Tree Species of Kerala (Project No.GO/KE-2/2008-2009).

The project proposes replanting of low yielding eucalyptus plantations, cashew planting areas, failed plantations in a total area of 500 ha with medicinal tree species during the project period. The species for planting are Gmelina arborea, Aegle marmelos, Saraca asoca, Phyllanthus emblica, Pterocarpus santalinus, Oroxylum indicum, Premna serratifolia and Stereospermum colais.

The project also envisages distribution of 1.6 lakhs quality-planting materials every year to the public during the project period. The National Medicinal Plants Board sanctioned a total amount of Rs. 428 lakhs. Rs.260 lakhs were received as the 1st and 2nd instalment. Out of this an amount of Rs.60.083 lakhs spent during 2011-12. The project is continuing.

2. Western Ghat Development Programme (WGDP)

Scheme is for enrichment of degraded forests of Western Ghats by planting white cedar and kampakam. Total amount available for 2011-12 was Rs.319.82 lakhs, expenditure is Rs.169.071 lakhs.

3. Additional Central Assistance (ACA)

GoI has revalidated a grant of Rs.469 lakhs for 2010-11 for Kerala Forest Department. Grant was originally released for the year 2009-10, it could not be expended as it was received only on 19..03..2010. During 2010-11 an amount of Rs.249.18 lakhs was spent. The unspent balance of Rs.219.82 lakhs under ACA has revalidated for 2011-12. Out of this an amount of Rs.200.68 lakhs was spent.

5.             New projects launched

Cultivation of High Demanding Medicinal Tree Species of Kerala (Project No.CONS/KE-02/2012)

National Medicinal Plants Board, GoI have sanctioned a project titled “Cultivation of High Demanding Medicinal Tree Species of Kerala” for Rs.786.40 lakhs and have released Rs.314.56 lakhs as 1st instalment. Work is in progress.


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Last Updated (Monday, 30 January 2017 13:40)