Permission for Research in PAs

Permission for Research Studies

1.       Steps for applying for Permission to conduct research studies in Protected Areas:

                             i.            Download application format and guidelines

                           ii.            All the researchers have to submit separate application forms in original, with photos affixed filled up as per the guidelines

                         iii.            The filled application should be countersigned by the Head of the Institution

                       iv.            A copy of the project document, with objectives, methodology and expected outcomes especially for the conservation of Protected Area, approved by the funding agency or by the Head of Institution may be enclosed

                       v.            In case of applications involving collection of specimens which are listed in the Schedules of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, their species, conservation status and their position in the Schedules of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 should be specifically mentioned.

                       vi.            Justification for collection of specimens from the Protected Area/s should be given

                     vii.            If a foreign agency/foreign citizen is involved in the research either as a funding agency or as a collaborator, prior letter of approval from the National Biodiversity Authority and Ministry of Environment & Forests should be submitted.

                  viii.            If the institution concerned is a private institution, a security deposit of Rs.5000/-has to be pledged in the name of Chief Wildlife Warden, Kerala by way of Treasury Savings Account, after receiving such intimation from the office of the Chief Wildlife Warden, Kerala.