Details for G.O (MS) No. 40/11/2011/F&WLD Dated 14/09/2011
NameG.O (MS) No. 40/11/2011/F&WLD Dated 14/09/2011
Forest & Wildlife Department - Extraction of sand and silt at checkdams from the limestone mines located in forest land leased to M/s. Malabar Cements Ltd - Fresh contract with Shri. P.P. Babu, S/o. Balan, Perumpadappu House, Varandarappally , Thrissur to extract 2 lakh cubic metres of sand and silt - Revised sanction accorded - Orders issued
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Created On: 09/23/2011 21:27
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Last updated on 09/23/2011 21:32
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